Gaming unites people, teaches valuable skills and provides an emotional outlet to reduce stress. That’s why our core community involvement initiatives focus on bringing the games we love to those who need them most.
We’ve partnered with several local libraries to provide a judgment-free zone for gaming that helps people in our community stay connected. Through gaming, participants learn math, vocabulary, social skills and patience.
Service members sacrifice so much for us and deserve ways to relieve stress and have fun while deployed. We help them out the best way we know—sending them the games we love. That way they can bond with fellow soldiers and maintain a positive mindset.
We dedicate our time to a variety of organizations in Central New York, including the Near Westside Initiative, United Way, Syracuse Rescue Mission and Samaritan Center, and sponsor local charity events that improve our community.
We keep our local parks clean by participating in events like I Love My Park Day, an annual beautification initiative at Green Lakes.
Bringing joy to children is a big deal to us, so we volunteer at family-friendly events like the Near Westside Multicultural Block Party.
No one should ever have to go hungry. That’s why we cook and serve food at the local soup kitchen and maintain community gardens that help keep our city sustainable.
Supporting education, health and the basic needs of people in our community is important to us, so we participate in fundraisers that align with these beliefs.